Free Rental History Database
The Rent Rite Directory offers a FREE Rental History database for owners and managers to track and record leasing incidents and violations that occur on their property as well as other properties in their community. The Rental History Database will always remain free as our commitment to our communities. With The RRD you can track skips, evictions, criminal activity, nonpayment of rent, unauthorized tenants (proxy renters), and damages to property.
Incidents are also searchable by first or last name, last 4 digits of SSN, drivers license, consulate matricula ID, state ID, license plate and birth date. This is a service that provides real time communication between you and other properties to help keep your property at a higher occupancy with better quality tenants!
Dispute Process
Because the Rent Rite Directory is viewed as a credit reporting agency by the Federal Government, we do not tolerate blacklisting of tenants. No dollar amounts are allowed in our database, and real estate professionals, must have a permissible purpose and be approved to input and search it.
We offer a dispute process for anyone that believe they have been wrongly input into our system. Our registered members are equipped with an addendum to their lease in their welcome packet, that every new resident will sign. This way, they are aware that if they violate any terms of their lease, they may be put into our system. If you wish to begin a dispute process click here.