Auto Approved Tenant Screening

For Individual Owners, Landlords, and Real Estate Agents (1-20 Units)
The Auto Approved Tenant Screening Leasing Recommendation Report was created so that owners, landlords, and brokers (with 1 – 20 units) could have a credit and background check legally pulled on their behalf a report, in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). This option will allow you to receive a summary which includes information gathered from a TransUnion Credit Report, a National Federal Criminal Background Search, ID Mismatch Alert, and a SSN Validation without having to go through the inspection process.
To sign up/learn more
We highly recommend that you have the prospective tenant with you to run the report, as their credit card will be charged the $25 fee as an added security feature to help protect against fraud. Please make sure all information is correct before submitting, and remember to run only one person at a time. The billing address must match the current address, so landlords CANNOT use their credit card to run these reports.