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Posts Tagged "Crime Prevention"

10 Ways to Reduce Crime in Your Multifamily Community

As a property owner/manager, it’s important to you to keep your community safe.  Not all crime is preventable, but there are many steps you can take to reduce the risks of crime on your property. What you can do 1….


How our Incident Reporting Database Benefits Law Enforcement

theRRD offers to Property Managers and Landlords an incident reporting database that keeps track of lease violations, including crimes committed on property, in their community.  This database is the first database that is Fair Credit Reporting Act compliant, with verifiable…


How Property Managers and Multi-Family Employees Can Help Identify Human Trafficking

Human trafficking may seem like something that only happens in the movies or in “bad areas”. However, this problem is more widespread than many people think. According to 14,500 – 17,500 victims are trafficked to the United States each…


Crime Watch Prevention Meetings

Be sure to check out the updated theRRD Informational Video for material at crime watch/crime prevention meetings. This is a great video for Real Estate Professionals, as well as Police Officers