Incident Report Procedures

1. If a Crime Report case number is accused to be falsely reported please notify The RRD and we

will research the validity of the inputted case number. If it is found to be false it will be removed

immediately and the Property Management Supervisor notified.

2. If an Eviction case number is accused to be falsely reported please notify The RRD and we will

research the validity of the inputted case number. If it is found to be false it will be removed

immediately and the Property Management Supervisor notified.

3. If an incident report has been accused to be falsely recorded on The RRD database The RRD will

request proof of the incident to be supplied within 48 hours. If proof is not provided the incident

will be removed from The RRD database within the 48 hours allotted and the Property

Management Supervisor notified.

Contact Information

Suzette Sutton

[email protected]



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