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Posts Tagged "Credit History"

Top Reasons to Reject a Rental Application

There are many reasons for a landlord to reject a rental application.  This includes rental, credit, employment, criminality, and other miscellaneous criteria pertaining to your property.  Any one of the following can provide just cause to reject an applicant for…


3 Common Questions about a Credit Report

Why isn’t there a FICO score? In order for somebody to get a FICO score they must first build up debt.  That means the consumer needs to have been spending money for a period of time to allow the credit…


Post Screening Denial Mayhem and How to Avoid it

You’re a responsible landlord.  You hate conflict so you dot your i’s and cross your t’s so that you can’t be reprimanded for any wrong doing.  You used proper and consistent procedures when screening your prospective tenants.  You compiled a…