How AB 2819 Will Affect California Property Investors and Managers

If you are not aware of AB 2819 – Chiu, you should be as this is a proposed state legislation in which a tenant’s eviction file will remain sealed permanently unless the landlord goes into court and bears the costs to have the seal removed and could become law in California.

What this means to you as a landlord, is that you will not be able to access court records to see if a prospective tenant has been previously evicted, something every landlord should know.

I thought you all should know about a free Credit Reporting Agency that would eliminate the landlord from having to pay these additional fees and in turn could save everyone a lot of time and money. theRRD is a real estate services website (  that has created an incident reporting database that will allow all Landlords to record and view incidents on their properties. You can also post and see evictions, criminal activity, photos of damage done on property and many other types of lease violations. With theRRD’s system, communities do not have to miss a beat and the Landlords will not have to spend the money to unseal these reports.

theRRD’s incident reporting database has been used nationwide over the last 5 years and currently has data on over 400,000 individual incidents on properties, evictions and non-payment of rent. The required information to search incidents are first and last name, last 4 digits of SSN, and date of birth. This is a service that provides real time communication between you and other properties and helps keep your property at a higher occupancy by mitigating risk.

theRRD is Fair Credit Reporting Act compliant and there is a dispute process for anyone who believes that the information in the system is incorrect.  Registered members are equipped with an addendum to add to their lease in the welcome packet, that every new resident will sign. This provides them notification that if a tenant violates any terms of their lease a report about it may be added to our system.

To register just go to  and sign up. Again the system is free, they just ask that if you need tenant screening or employment screening you keep them in mind.