theRRD’s Joe Killinger sits down with #CRE #realestate expert Alicia Shepherd of KW Commercial. She breaks down the current #commercialrealestate market of West Los Angeles, and what trends she sees coming up in late 2018. If you have any additional…
Dealing with tenants’ maintenance requests is one of the biggest issues landlords face, especially with so much (rental) competition around. Tenants know that they can get the same or better service for their buck virtually wherever they turn. It is…
theRRD’s Joe Killinger shares his #protips for #multifamily #realestate investors. Check out this quick vid from Joe on the status of your #business license and how can affect your #investment
The usual tactics to boost revenue from property rental is acquiring as many properties as possible. While this may be a valid method for those who are in the property business per se, when it comes to “regular” people…
They say that more millionaires made their money through real estate then through any other means. There are of course many avenues for investing in real estate, but I’ve always preferred rental properties for various reasons: Real estate investing…
The truth be told there is really no SAFE investment in real estate, there are however investments with less risk and STNL (Single Tenant Net Leased) properties are a strong leader. A STNL property is typically structured under a triple…
Joe mixes it up on theRRD. Special guests Sturai Yusufi, Angie Grimes, and Tatjana Luethi discussing organizations helping woman develop and grow in professional roles. joe killinger theRRD [email protected] sturai yusufi commercial brokers int’l [email protected] angie grimes her nexx chapter…
Looking for a new apartment is quite a challenging task no matter what your budget or needs are. If you’re in this situation, you’re probably short on time, money, and options. All the likely apartments seem to have some hidden…
Many first time investors have the idea that their first investment should be a single family home due to the cost of entry and ease of managment, however, this may not always be the best path to go down. One…
It can be difficult to learn that your loved one or family member has Alzheimer’s, but with the many improvements in management in the field of medicine, things are not as bleak as they once were. While additional care and…